Thursday, February 7, 2008

No Museum Left Behind Seminar Agenda

8:30-9:15 Registration and Breakfast

9:15-9:30 Welcome

9:30-10:15 Understanding NCLB Legislation
Keynote Speaker: Kristine Cohn,
Senior official for Region V, U.S. Dept of Education

10:15-11:00 Perspectives from the Trenches: teachers and principal

11:00-11:30 NCLB Impact on Museums Roundtable Discussions

11:30-12:15 Lunch (Ann)

12:15-1:20 Adapting NCLB to Existing Programs
Erin Befort, Curator of Education,
Johnson County Historical Society, Shawnee, KS
Jennie Williams and Ken Morris, educators, Detroit Institute of Arts
Dawn Koceja and Gaye-Lynn Clyde, Milwaukee Public Museum

1:30-2:30 Meeting Standards: Creating New Museum Programs for NCLB
Mary W. Madden, Dir. of Education Outreach,
Kansas State Historical Society
Jackie Welsh, Curator of Education, Snite Museum of Art, Notre Dame, IN

3:00-4:00 12:00 Round Table

4:00-4:45 Reporting and Feedback
5:00 Wrap-up

Take the NCLB Museum Educator Survey

Dear Colleagues,

No Child Left Behind (NCLB) legislation, adopted by congress in 2001, was a federal response to lagging academic performance by American students. The legislation attempted to improve the quality of education for all children while simultaneously closing the achievement gap between lower and upper income students. Among other things, NCLB legislation imposed tighter academic standards and placed greater emphasis on standardized testing--specifically on math, science, and literacy skills. While the legislation has had some notable successes, it has also been met with widespread dissatisfaction. Although classroom teachers and school administrators have been most affected by NCLB, many museum educators have also reported changes both positively and negatively in museum visitation and program participation by schools as a direct result of the legislation. Seven years later, as Congress considers reauthorizing the bill, museums have yet to get a firm grasp on how they have been affected by this landmark legislation or how they might use the legislation to benefit their institutions and the communities they serve. To further the conversation about NCLB, the Midwest Region of EdCom in partnership with the Association of Midwest Museums is presenting a day long seminar called No Museum Left Behind: Museum Educators Respond to NCLB Legislation. The program will be held at the Loyola University Museum of Art on Friday, March 14, 2008. Participants in the program will leave the seminar with a firm understanding of NCLB legislation mandates, learn ways they can adapt existing programs to meet state and national standards, and discover ideas how to create new programming that fulfils NCLB requirements.

Because the conversation is still new, Midwest EdCom and the McCormick Tribune Freedom Museum have prepared a short survey for museum educators about their experiences and attitudes toward NCLB. Please take a few moments to fill out this short survey and forward the link along to your fellow museum educators Results of the survey will be shared at the No Museum Left Behind seminar and then distributed publicly shortly thereafter.

Thank you for your time and help.

Kind regards,

Nathan Richie

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Join the Conversation!

No Museum Left Behind
A Workshop presented by the Association of Midwest Museums (AMM),
and the Midwest Committee of EdCom
Friday, March 14, 2008
8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Loyola University Museum of Art
820 N. Michigan Ave.
Chicago, IL

Since the passing of the 2001 No Child Left Behind(NCLB) legislation, many schools have struggled to meet the new
needs of both teachers and students. This enormous change in education policy has had a ripple effect on museums from
decreased school visits to the altering of program content. With the inevitable reauthorization of NCLB later this year by
Congress, museums will continue to struggle with these challenges. Panelists from various institutions will present creative
programs that their museums have adapted for the NCLB legislation.

The registration fee for the workshop is $50 for AMM or EdCom members and $65 for non-members, which includes
morning refreshments and lunch. Registration will begin at 8:30 am and the workshop will start at 9:15 am.

All registrants are invited to register for a special post-workshop reception and view of the exhibit, Andy Warhol’s
Silver Clouds, on display at the LUMA. The cost for the reception and exhibit is $10.
This workshop is limited to 60 attendees – please make your reservation today!
If you have any questions please contact AMM at (314) 746-4557 or To register online, visit

For accommodations, we recommend: